Thursday, July 23, 2009

looking at it

one thing i look forward to when coming to australia is the free metro paper mX.
my favorite section of the paper is called Here's Looking at You. It publishes street admirer's thoughts (whatever you call it). Probably im a hopeless romantic. It's not scary like some stalker is constantly looking at you, i just like the idea that someone is appreciated.

i like to one day read in it that someone notices me from a sea of strangers *dreamy*

Sunday, July 19, 2009

not his fan

i wonder if he reads things about him in the internet

i wonder if there's a chance that he'll come across this and read something about himself

i don't want him to see me as another fan

everyday i search the internet about him and everyday i learn something new

i like it that way

i hope it never ends

i hope to learn something about him from himself!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

thus two months after

i can't remember how it hit me.

this sudden surge of LAZINESS + making myself believe i am DEPRESS for whatever reason i find depressing..

i saved money to buy me a laptop and i did. i convinced myself i need a tablet pc 'coz i believe i am an artist so, i bought this.

i imagined myself inspired all over again by my new tablet pc i said i will be selling artistic thingies online or sell something online or get some jobs online to return the money i used to buy this laptop.

i earned around (roughly) 2% of my target online income and it stopped from there.

i set up this online travelogue.

i made efforts to watermark my pictures but it proved tedious to a supposedly artistic person so i stopped. and the travel stories stoppped too! i don't know why!!!

i still travel plus i have new destinations. new stories in those two months but they never got published here.

i have internet access to almost anywhere i go. i don't know why i didn't even bother to write.

then i got emails of people following this blog. don't really know if they follow this because of the content or they just have to but i am glad they did. it fueled me to blog again.

thank you